Help Care for Debra Steffler
In July, our fabulous, caring, beautiful mother, Debra Steffler, was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. This came as quite a shock, as most cancer diagnosis do....it's a lot to wrap your head around when you receive this news. As this information came to us, her family, we reacted the way she taught us to....we surrounded her in light and love and put our minds in a positive and focused place, but we also began to prepare for the battle to come.
Since then, there have been many doctors appointments and an overload of information thrown her way. It has been quite overwhelming for mom but knowing that all of her doctors are wonderful and are working as a team to get her better, she began to relax knowing that she is in good hands.
Since the diagnosis, it has been confirmed, that for her to get better, she will have to undergo 6 rounds of Chemo, a lumpectomy and then follow that up with radiation. For a woman who has always sworn by homeopathic medicines, this was a lot to accept.
As most of you know, she is strong and WILL get through this. What you also probably know is that she is 100% a caretaker which makes it difficult for her to let go helping and caring for others and just take care of herself. When she began with the treatment plan, she knew that at times she would not feel well, but felt certain that she would still be working, getting to see her grandkids afterschool most days and just be able to live like normal.
So far, she has had a port placed in her chest, 2 rounds of chemo and has been hit hard with exhaustion amongst many other difficult and uncomfortable symptoms. Even though we had told her she needs to rest, the caretaker and social butterfly she is, she attempted to go back to work, only to have to go home a few hours later because of pure exhaustion. After that, with a little persuasion and push from her loved ones, she has come to the realization that she only has enough energy to focus on her health and well being....this is a hard thing for a life-long caretaker to accept.
Luckily, our mom lives a simple and relatively low cost lifestyle - she has always been this way. As long as she has a roof over her head, food in her fridge and family to share it with, she is happy. That being said, if she is unable to work, she will not be able to live independently which will cause much unneeded stress. My brother, Lane and I, are helping with what we can but unfortunately are not able to help with as much as she will need.
By setting up this GoFundMe account, we are hoping that you all can help us keep her main focus on healing and getting through this.
Any money that is donated will go to her VERY OUTRAGEOUS medical bills that she is getting and will get from all of the surgeries, chemo treatments, medications, and radiation. She is only a little way through this and already has a large amount due to the doctors.
If you would like to find a way to help Debra, our mother, please consider doing at least one of the following things:
Send her a loving message so she knows that you are thinking of her and sending her light and love.
Contribute as much as you feel comfortable with.
You can contribute here on her GoFundMe page OR
if you would like to make sure 100% of your contribution goes directly to her, you can chose to send her your contribution through the paypal that we have set up for her. Go to paypal and search her name to find it
IMPORTANT : be sure to select "send money to friends and family" to avoid any paypal fees.
Visit George's Restaurant and Bar during the week of September 10th - 16th where they will be hosting a fundraiser to help her raise money to ofset medical expenses. If you eat at George's during any of those dates, part of the proceeds will go directly to Debra (you are also able to make contibutions to her there). Please help spread the word about this benefit....
George's is located at
1041 N Highland Ave NE, Atlanta GA 30306
No matter if you are able to contribute monetarily or not, we ask that you keep her in your thoughts. We will all pull together to help make sure that she gets well so that she can continue to be that shining light in our lives.
Thank you so much for caring.....
Lauren and Lane