Put the Kingadore back together!
Sunday morning at about 1:30 AM, a drunk driver entered the freeway from the wrong direction and ran into a dear friend of mine.
Brandon Abernathy (Abby) was thrown from his jeep, and suffered multiple compound fractures/injuries to his legs, arms, hands, chest, feet, and head. He will most certainly be in the hospital for several weeks, if not months, and the vehicle (the only working vehicle in his family) is totalled.
This money is going to be used to purchase a used vehicle for his wife Stacey Cope, to allow her to take care of their house, their daughter, and him, while also making due on rent, food, and other essentials while waiting for insurance, and lawyers to do their thing.
Please, give whatever you can, even if its just $5, anything will help, and that would put gas in a tank to go see him.
Thank you for your time, and wishes, I will be updating this with news as it comes.
The Report