Helping a Fellow Brother Matthew Ross...
Donation protected
Border Patrol Family,
In the early hours of Saturday May 13th, 2023, Border Patrol Agent (BORSTAR) Matthew Ross, of the El Paso Special Operations Detachment was dining at a local restaurant, El Cometa in El Paso, Texas.
Shortly after his arrival to the restaurant, several unknown patrons began a verbal altercation, which then lead to a violent encounter between the individuals. One of the individuals left the restaurant but returned a short while later standing outside and brandishing a firearm.
Without hesitation, Matthew Ross attempted to intervene to prevent the individual from harming those he was arguing with along with possibly other bystanders in the busy restaurant. Matthew quickly left his seat, went outside and began to approach the shooter from the behind to incapacitate him. Matthew grabbed the the assailant and a struggle for the pistol ensued. During the scuffle, Matthew was shot in the upper left chest. He began to bleed out as the assailant fled the scene. Thankfully, quick response from local EMS and police department helped stabilize Matthew. He was transported to the hospital.
Matthew is stable and in overall good spirits. He will have a road to recovery. He has a punctured lung, and broken rib. He remains in the hospital until the bullet can be removed and he makes further recovery.
As an outpouring of love and support, please consider donating to the Matthew Ross fund. He will need additional care, support and possibly medical costs to be covered.
Most importantly, please pray Ross makes a speedy recovery.
So Others May Live!
Honor First!
Organizer and beneficiary
Zachary Felix
El Paso, TX
Matthew Ross