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Brynleigh's medical mystery #Brynleighstrong

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Story Update 10/7/22
When this fundraiser was started our goal was to raise enough to let Arron stay at the hospital, help with Sissy's care and with follow up appointments. With everyone's amazing generosity we have helped take some of the financial burden off of these parents shoulders and Arron has been able to stay at the hospital. We had absolutely no idea we would be where we are today. Brynleigh was admitted to Mary Bridge September 6th, test after test and still no diagnosis. She was then transferred to Seattle Children's Hospital September 27th. After continued testing and declining health she was moved to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for much closer monitoring. Brynleigh's case has been declared a medical mystery and they are digging through the rarest of rare possibilities now to find a way to help her. Brynleigh has a very long road ahead of her while they search for a diagnosis and Tilly and Arron will be right by her side fighting for answers. Your donations are a huge Blessing to Brynleigh's family and have helped them to focus on their baby girl. Please continue to share Brynleigh's story and pray for her and her family and medical staff. We thank you for your continued donations and prayers while we fight for answers.
#Brynleighstrong #answersforbrynleigh 


Hi I'm Ashley, and I've teamed up with Heather and Rhonda to make this GoFundMe for Tilly and Arron. Arron is the sole provider for his family and works for a small company that does not offer the same benefits as a larger corporation. Without the option of FMLA he is either forced to return to work to be able to pay the bills or stay at the hospital and jeopardize his family's financial security. The only thing Brynleigh is asking for right now is her Daddy. She wants her Daddy with her, holding her hand, and Tilly needs Arron's support through this incredibly scary time! Brynleigh is very sick and not out of the woods at all. Please help us help them so Arron can be at the hospital with his family, where he belongs.
Brynleigh's back story, September 5th Brynleigh became very nauseous and started complaining of stomach pain. After 3 ER visits and being told she was suffering from dehydration and a virus, Brynleigh was only getting worse. Tilly knew something else was up and went straight to Mary Bridge. After further testing it was confirmed Brynleigh has Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP), an autoimmune disease that causes the small blood vessels in your skin, joints, intestines and kidneys to become inflamed and bleed. HSP is already very rare and the severity of Brynleighs symptoms is even rarer. Brynleigh is on multiple medications for pain and nausea but continues to decline. She received her second NG tube today and will be having a PICC line placed Monday morning. There is a long road ahead for this beautiful little girl and she is not out of the woods at all.
While Arron and Tilly focus on Brynleigh we would love to help with their financial worry. Any donation amount would help profoundly. If you could please keep Brynleigh, Tilly, Arron, Cameron, Weston and the medical staff in your Prayers I know they would be forever grateful.


  • Rani Bauer
    • 40 $
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  • Tana & Mark Cate
    • 1 500 $
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  • Anonym
    • 50 $
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  • Anonym
    • 50 $
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  • Anonym
    • 20 $
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ashley Sauer
Sumner, WA
Arron Pemberton

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