Helping Domenica Fazio
I’m Bari Fazio, Dominica’s mother and I have created this page.
Domenica is 31 years old and has a 3 year old daughter Sophia. She is a good person who is full of life and has a big heart. She would do anything for her family and friends. Domenica loves Sophia more than anything and loves being a mom.
On 2/20/2021, Domenica suffered from a stroke that stemmed from a concussion from a car accident she was in about a month ago. She is currently in ICU on life support. Right now things are uncertain for her recovery. She’s currently heavily sedated while they keep her vitals stable. We are waiting for more testing to come back to have more answers.
All money will go towards Domenica’s medical expenses. We appreciate any and all of the help we can get. We thank everyone for your support.