Helping Hands in Stephanie’s Recovery
Hi there, my name is Gabriella and I have one of the greatest friends who needs help.
Stephanie Cole, if you don’t already know her, is truly the definition of a Superwoman. She not only is a great friend, she is a mother/step-mother to three beautiful children, a wife to a hardworking man named Billy, a daughter, sister, aunt and even a dog mom to two dogs. I think it is safe to say she is one of the most selfless people on the planet. Stephanie works as an Ultrasound Technician and is currently going through something that nobody would ever know unless she spoke about it. To be honest, even then, you probably couldn’t believe it by the way she carries it.
In 2018 Stephanie was diagnosed with a acoustic neuroma brain tumor….just a few months before she was accepted into the ultrasound program. The doctors gave her two options, watch and wait or surgery. At that time her tumor was small and she chose watch and wait. Stephanie had a goal to finish school before she was 35. So, she started the ultrasound program and struggled throughout with dizziness, headaches, Vertigo, nausea, and sever pain in her right hear, all while losing her hearing in that right ear from the tumor. After completing the ultrasound program, she found her dream job! Unfortunately, at Stephanie’s yearly MRI check up , April 2021, the results came back and her tumor had tripled in size and watch and wait wasn’t a option anymore. Her doctor said she would need what is called a Craniotomy Brain surgery to remove the tumor.
Stephanie will need to relearn to walk when she wakes up and she will no longer have hearing on my right side. This surgery will take about 14hrs and a long road to recovery. Stephanie will spend her time in the ICU for 3-11days in New York at NYU.
See, Superwoman! I’m asking for everyone who sees this, reads it and feels it to donate whatever you possible can to help Stephanie and her family get through this. To take a little stress off and help her focus on recovery instead of focusing all on the bills.
Stephanie would help anybody and everybody she possible could, so let’s get together and help this wonderful woman.
Thank you all so much for taking the time out. I know it means the world to her and her family! ❤️