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Helping Jess' kids, surviving the tragic loss of a young mom

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Jessica Lynch was the light and love in so many people’s lives, especially to her family and her 4 incredible children that she loved beyond measure.

We are beyond heartbroken that this beautiful person was taken from us so early in life.
On January 20th 2024, Jessica gave birth to her 4th child Levi Lynch and celebrated the new addition to her family with joy and unwavering strength. A few days following delivery Jessica fell ill and it was believed this was caused by a complication with the delivery.
She underwent surgery on January 27th that resulted in a catastrophic anoxic brain injury.
For the following 8 months Jessica was cared for at Kingston General Hospital and Providence Care in Kingston to try and mend the damage that had been done. Unfortunately the level of brain injury was not repairable and continued to progress Jessica’s physical decline.
On September 21st her condition took a turn that led the family to an impossible decision to proceed with palliative care. She was transferred to Hospice Quinte in Trenton where they provided unbelievable support to Jess and her family until Jess passed away peacefully on October 2nd.

Jess was a 31 year old spitfire of a woman who was passionate about the things she loved.
You would usually find her outside being active, playing with her kids or singing and dancing to her favorite music.
Her 4 children, Riley (12 y/o), Sawyer (4 y/o), Isaac (2 y/o) and Levi (8 mths) are being cared for by Jessica’s sisters and mom and they will always be surrounded by love and reminded of how amazingly strong and fierce their mother was.

As her family is still reeling from this devastating loss and adjusting life for these 4 young humans, we are asking for any support you may be willing to provide.
When children are placed with family, there is no government assistance available and any contribution is something we are extremely grateful for and appreciate deeply.
Any donations will first be directed to cover Jessica’s Celebration of life and any remains will go into education/savings funds for the children.

We have lost a beautiful life and a person filled with light and as we process this tragedy, we thank you all for your support and generosity as we know times are not easy for most.

Donativos (2)

  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 1 d
  • Caitlin Sells
    • $150
    • 1 d
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Ashley Greveling
Belleville, ON

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