Help Lori Stone Move Back to New Jersey
I’m embarking on a 3,000 mile drive across America the first week of June to relocate from California to New Jersey. When my husband and I came out to California 11 ½ years ago, our plans were to inspire and teach Healthy Living on a global level.
Since December 2016, when I lost the love of my life, I have continued to carry this torch and be a wellness warrior, despite this HUGE spiritual, emotional and financial loss. As Glenn’s widow, I inherited an incredible amount of debt and I am humbly seeking your help. Never in a million years would I think that I would be reaching to you like this.but writing this has already set me on the path of healing.
The struggle has been REAL....Although I have consistently maintained employment in my field, I haven’t been able to stay ahead. I’ve moved and down-sized three times, sold off 95% of my estate. Being out here alone, there have been waves of feeling an overwhelming sense of desperation, uncertainty and fear of being homeless.
To this END, and fortunately for me, I’ve been invited to live with a cousin in New Jersey while I get steady employment.
Here’s the challenge and the reason for this fund-raising campaign...
I’ve calculated the costs of a relocation move across the country and the estimated total is close to $3,000, including gas, lodging, food and UHaul trailer.
Writing this campaign has already set me on the path of healing. Those of you who know me...KNOW that I will continue to forge forward. I will remain in the solution, always learning and growing, purposefully impacting peoples’ health and wellness as I return to my roots and my lifetime family and friends. I am still on a mission to make a difference globally as a teacher and influencer. My Jersey tribe knows who I am and what I am capable of. I also value family and as I am aging, I feel the desire to be in the comfort of my loved ones. The purpose of family is to provide a safe and supportive base from which to experience life. Having supportive teammates and being in communion with God is the best strategy for facing struggles. Your prayers will make a powerful impact. I feel confident that a season of miracles and blessings are on the horizon.
As I reflect upon my life in California, I’m really proud of the positive imprint that I’m leaving behind and I am so grateful for all of the wonderful people I have gotten to meet and work with. I appreciate all of the love and support that you have shared with me so generously.
I would deeply and gratefully appreciate your donations, however large or small. Your generosity will contribute to something much greater than the actual cost of traveling 3,000 miles across the country alone...and that is PEACE OF MIND, which is absolutely INVALUABLE. Ever act of kindness opens the heart and creates love and connection, transforming the world around us
I am sending you all love and healing energy. Thank you, have ALL been such a great source of strength for me. Namaste’
With love and Affection,
Lori Stone xo