Helping Miguel through illness.
My dear friend Miguel’s health has deteriorated in the past six months. He was recently diagnosed with GERD/LPR, gastroparesis, and an autoimmune disorder. Due to these illnesses he has lost over one third of his weight. He’s gone from 190 pounds to 129 pounds in the past four months.
GERD and LPR are conditions that allow stomach acid to be in places it’s not supposed to be. Currently the acid has damaged Miguel’s throat, teeth, mouth, and is even affecting his eyes. Gastroparesis is a condition that causes the stomach to not empty itself properly or absorb nutrients properly. Due to these illnesses, Miguel is having to eat a strict diet and manage the pH balance of his stomach acid. He’s also having to eat frequent small meals so that his stomach doesn’t have too much content at one time. If these conditions continue, Miguel may need a feeding tube and infusions to sustain his life.
The pain from this condition is so debilitating Miguel cannot even play with his children the way he used to. He can no longer pick them up and swing them around the way he could back when he was stronger. It is heartbreaking.
This weight loss and illness has weakened him to the point that he was unable to work and had to quit his job, leaving himself, his wife, and his two small children without income.
If you know Miguel, you know he’s an extremely hard worker. At one time he was working full time at night while running his own food truck during the day. Quitting his job was not a decision he made lightly. It was unavoidable due to how weak he has become. He is currently searching for employment that is less taxing on his body and health.
Due to all of this, he needs help. He’s been afraid to talk about his illness and hasn’t given any indication anything was wrong on social media. It was only after I checked in on him last night that he let me know about all of this.
In addition to his lost income due to his inability to work, medical bills for required treatments are racking up. At this point he’s delaying treatments because he can’t afford them. If this continues, I’m afraid of what will happen to him. I don’t want to lose my friend.
Please, if at all possible, consider contributing to Miguel so that he and his family can make it through this. Stress increases the activity of his illnesses and I’d like to help make his life at least a little less stressful.
Any proceeds gained from this crowdfunding effort will be used for income replacement while Miguel is without work, and to increase his ability to get medical treatments going forward.