Helping out our friend Greg Combs
Our friend Greg Combs is one of the most giving people that I know.
He always puts others first and would never ask for any help.
At this time Greg is going through a very hard time and I would like to show him that he's not in this alone.
Just over a month ago Greg was told by his doctor that he that he has acute diverticulitis. As a result, there is a perforation in his lower colon.
Several tests also showed a mass on his left kidney.
That mass, we now know, is a golf ball size cancerous tumor.
On February 14th, he will be having surgery to remove both a portion of his colon as well as his entire left kidney.
This will be about a two month recovery for him, and he plans on getting back to his normal life.
According to all of the great doctors involved, there shouldn't be any more cancer.
We all know how hard it can be to make ends meet, and that is why your donation can help him to olny have to worry about his recovery.
With his $5000.00 medical deductible and lost wages it will cost him around $9000.00 to cover his expenses.
If you can help us take this burden away, thank you.
If you can't please just say a prayer for him.
Greg told me that he did not want to ask for any help but I told him that's what friends and family are for.
If we are able to cover his expenses and there is any extra money Greg said he would like to donate it to help anyway he can with the herion problems in his home town that he loves so much.
Thank you, and if you would please share this.