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Philip Saved American Soldiers

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Philip was our interpreter in Basra Iraq in 2009 and continued to work for the US Army until our country pulled out of Iraq. He not only risked his life by assisting us but also saved our lives by alerting us to impending insurgent attacks. Philip became an interpreter to help his country and for that the militias have been trying to kill him. Tragically it was all too common for the insurgents to execute interpreters who were assisting us and it became very clear that Philip was to face this fate as well. In December 2013, after 3 years of work with the State Department, he was granted a Visa and is now living in Minnesota with a soldier that he worked with. Since legally arriving in the United States, Philip works two jobs, has refused to go on government assistance and volunteers assisting disabled veterans.

 This man risked everything to help his community and saved the lives of numerous American Soldiers, but now he cannot live in his own country. Sadly Philip had to leave behind his wife and four children before the militias found him. We are trying to repay the debt we owe Philip by bringing his family back together. Please help us help our Iraqi Interpreter, who became our American brother, by raising funds to pay for travel and help them live the American dream.

Here are links to local news reports on Philips arrival:


  • Kate Dudding
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Paul Braun
Blaine, MN

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