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Helping the Scott/Kabara Family

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Vivian Nicoline was born on her due date, August 9, 2018.  She weighted 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long.  She came into this world without a hitch and seemed to be a perfectly healthy baby.  

However, during Vivian's checkup, just 24 hours after her birth, she was diagnosed with a heart defect - Transposition of the Greater Arteries, Type-D. As a result, Vivian had to have open heart surgery at Riley Hospital in Indianapolis to switch the two main arteries at the top of her heart. She had the surgery at just one week old.

The surgery went well, and Vivian is on the road to recovery, but she has been on a ventilator, feeding tube, several IVs, numerous electrodes for monitoring and has had weeks of recovery in the hospital. Her mom and dad, Amie and Brady, can't wait to get her home and start their life with her.

Although Amie and Brady are staying strong for their sweet little girl, they have been through an immense amount of stress and hardship these past few weeks. The last thing we want is for them to worry about finances once Vivian is strong enough to go home. Even with insurance, NICU stays are extremely expensive, and no family can ever possibly prepare for the burden that brings. Please consider helping this amazing couple so they can focus on the more important things - their family.

Thank you so much for your help!


  • Shannon Meserve
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kristin Geerken
Fishers, IN
Brady Scott

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