Homeless to Rockstar - Helping LaVe
In life we all get to choose what we focus on.
On 6/25/16 while the media was consumed with sensationalizing injuries at the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Event in Dallas TX, a few inspired souls took part in another story.
La’ve Jackson was a once homeless man who we met outside of the Dallas Convention Center selling newspapers. From the moment you interacted with him you knew he was special, just full of love, generosity and warmth.
As he told us his life story, he wowed us with just how smart and determined he was to be of service to others, but yet through a series of poor life decisions from the past he found himself going through decades of suffering that lasted till today .
La've is now 9 months clean from his addictions, and he loves himself enough to want more for his life.
Let us help La've.
Society takes the weak and downtrodden, places them with others like them, and wonder why they can’t change.
We took La've and sponsored his participation in a the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Event, because this man needed proximity to an environment where he could change.
Sheer love made it happen, and now we want to continue that journey for him, and help him get back on his feet, to a bright and compelling future.
These funds will be used to secure short term housing and supplies to help him get on his feet, as he continues to work with some incredibly generous individuals who have taken him under their wing.
You see the smiling faces below? Helping La've is less about La've and more about the joy we experienced, living from those generous places in our heart.
I hope can join us in the experience.