Gastroparesis Surgery Needed
This page has been put together by the friends and family of Katelyn Boccitto Percival, the strongest 24 year old we have ever met. In 2011 she found herself overweight and fought to get her health on track. Over the course of 14 months she managed to lose over 130 lbs with the help of exercise and clean eating and a healthy change in her lifestype. She managed to keep the weight off as well as inspiring others by making websites and Facebook pages with healthy eating ideas and encouragements for those going thru similar journeys.
In early October 2013, she started to notice severe stomach pains whenever she would eat or drink. She would also get very bloated and quickly full even with the smallest of meals. Frustrated; she saw my doctor to see if they knew what was going on. Blood tests were inconclusive so he then referred her to a gastrointerologist to further investigate. After months of testing and pain she was diagnosed with gastroparesis, or paralysis of the stomach.
It’s something she will have to struggle with every day for the rest of her life along with millions of people around the world. This disease can get so severe and painful that they are forced to such extremes such as feeding tubes. This is because the simple act of eating becomes so intolerable and malnutrition can become a serious risk.
Katelyn has tried every form of remedy including stomach botox injections and numerous hospital stays with no success or relief. Her only hope is having a gastric pacemaker surgically placed in her stomach. However, her insurance company has now denied her from this surgery three times. In the meanwhile, she has been forced to have a GJ tube inserted into her small intestines so she is able to receive the nutrients needed to survive. The gastric pacemaker surgery can run anywhere from $50,000-$70,000 but is pertinent for her survival and hope to resume some sort of normalcy.
She has clearly been unable to work since she must be hooked up to her tube feeds 24/7 and her family is struggling with her husband being the sole income provider. With medical bills and other day to day expenses piling up, we as Katelyn's family and friends want to help. Throughout all of her personal struggles, she has maintained unbelievable positivity and has been a pilar of strength to those also experiencing this awful disease. Katelyn even created a facebook and webpage called gpwarriors to be a safe haven for those in the same fight. She is one tough cookie!
If there is any amount you can donate to Katelyn during this extremely trying process, it would be so appreciated. The smallest amount could make the biggest difference. We realize this is quite a lofty goal but Katelyn is truly an inspiration for all of us and we want to help in any way we can.