Help Kelly Beat Cancer
Donation protected
Hi everyone. My name is Ritch Lau, City Councillor of Markham, and I am starting this GoFundMe for my friend Kelly Wong, who was recently diagnosed with advanced stage 4 breast cancer. Kelly is only 38 years old. After many years of miscarriages, she finally had a rainbow baby, Casper Chan; he was just 8 months at the time of diagnosis. We hope this fund contributes essential financial support to Kelly, Casper, and Casper’s father, Kaho Chan, as Kelly fights to stay alive for her son.
In March 2023, Kelly rushed to the hospital after a weekend of sudden, unrelenting vomiting and headache. The diagnosis was fully metastasized breast cancer: Kelly had a massive brain tumor causing severe internal bleeding, and the cancer had spread to her bones, lymph nodes, lungs, and liver. Doctors told Kelly and her family to say their goodbyes. But Kelly fought against overwhelming odds to survive high risk brain surgery that lasted an entire day. She was left with a large scar on her head and her motor functions require rehabilitation. But she is alive. Since April, she has been undergoing hormonal, chemo and radiation therapy and caring for Casper through ongoing pain and immobility.
Kelly already carries the weight of past tragedy. She grew up without a mother, endured multiple miscarriages and a difficult pregnancy, and fought relentlessly for the chance to have a family of her own. Before the diagnosis, Kelly had taken a work pause to take care of their newborn. Now, Kaho has also quit his work to become primary caretaker for Kelly and baby Casper.
Kelly has many challenges to come, but doctors are amazed by the impossible odds she’s already beaten. She is doing whatever it takes to extend her time and be there for Casper, and we ask you to help her by donating to her living, recovery, and childcare expenses. Any contribution is meaningful, and we humbly ask you for your support and prayers. Please help Kelly fight.
*The beneficiary bank account for this campaign - CARREAU KAHO CHAN is the husband of Kelly Wong. Kaho is the primary caretaker of Kelly and their child. Kaho is responsible for their family's finances because of Kelly's illness. Your donations go directly to their joint bank account. The Organizer of this campaign has no access to the money and does not take any cut of the amount.
大家好!我是 Ritch Lau,萬錦市議員。現正為我的朋友 Kelly Wong (下稱Kelly)、她的伴侶(陳嘉浩)和兒子(Casper)發起這個 GoFundMe的籌款。Kelly現年38歲,最近被確診為第 4 期乳腺癌。
Kelly經過多年努力排除萬難,在 2022 年終於成功懷孕,畢竟在這懷孕期中不知進出多少次醫院最終誕下兒子Casper,本應是歡天喜地的新生活。可惜在本年初3月,Casper只有八個月的時候,惡夢突然發生了!Kelly因持續嘔吐和頭痛緊急入院,經過醫生初步診斷後發現Kelly 腦內有一個惡性腫瘤,此刻Kelly的世界迎來天翻地覆的變化。腫瘤不斷在流血並壓迫著她的腦幹,經過醫療團隊進一步的診斷顯示,最終診斷為原發性乳腺癌。癌細胞不僅轉移到她的大腦,還轉移到她的骨骼、淋巴結、肺和肝臟。 儘管手術風險相當高,而且生存機會也不確定,但Kelly亦竭盡全力為生存而奮鬥。 從她第一次進入急診室之日起,經過漫長的兩週後,她接受了手術,並且一直感到噁心、嘔吐和頭暈。
除了她的健康問題,Kelly還背負著過去悲劇的重擔。 她在沒有母親的情況下長大,所以這段經歷使她更加下定決心必須排除萬難陪伴兒子成長。 現在,她不僅要為自己的生命而戰,還要確保她的兒子不會再承受她曾經經歷過的那種心痛。
經過漫長及渺茫的腦部手術Kelly倖存下來,但她的戰鬥遠未結束。 Kelly現在面臨多種癌症治療,包括放射治療和化療。 除了需要接受癌症治療外,她正在從腦部手術中積極恢復過來,不僅在她的頭上留下了 11 厘米的疤痕,而且還影響了她部分身體的活動能力。但她仍然決心克服這些殘酷的困境並為她的兒子堅強地活下去。
我懇切地請求您們的幫助,以減輕Kelly和嘉浩現在面臨的困境及經濟負擔。 任何捐款都將直接用於支付生活基本需要及兒子的日常開支。請考慮向我們的 GoFundMe 活動捐款,無論金額多少,您們的善款將對Kelly的生活產生切實和直接的影響。 另外除了經濟支持,您們的鼓勵、祈禱和積極的想法將為Kelly、嘉浩和他們的家人帶來不可估量的力量。
Fundraising team (2)
Ritch Lau
Percy Chan
Team member