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Help Mustafa and his family to evacuate Gaza

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I am Mustafa Taima, a 22 years old, ex student at the University of Palestine, majoring in electronics engineering. Unfortunately my university got bombed and everything I have left is memories and a hope that feels so far right now.

We are 7 people in the family: there is my parents, my uncle, and I have one brother and two sisters. We all need your help.

All our belongings have been destroyed in a blink of an eye.
We had a large supermarket, people used to buy from us every day, we used to make enough money for a living. Now even my house is destroyed and I live in a tent. All the places I made memories in got erased and took down.

Any sources of income is now lost. We usually eat with those few aid boxes, when those aren't available we make bread by put the raw dough on a metal surface, and then we light on a fire to let the dough cook. However, by cooking the bread direct on metal we risk to get ilnesses and stomach aches, as you know there isn't any hospital or doctor here.

Our life conditions are extremely disastrous. We can't access to proper hygiene nor proper health maintenance. We have lost all the energy in our body and in our spirit. Our mental state is terrible because of the things we see everyday.

We are forced to do ourselves some jobs that were usually made by professional (like cutting or bread wood by hand, littleraly building a house, healing someone's wound), which forces us to be strong even when we feel tired and week.

We are overwhelmed by the stress of the war, exhausted by the way we push ourselves to the limit, and overheated by the temperature. Imagine staying in a plastic tend while outside it's 45 grades Celsius.

I guarantee to you all that life in Gaza isn't as easy as the world let you think it is. I love Gaza, it was a beautiful place and still today it's an important place to me. Gaza it's were i grew up and made memories, it's were i created a life...

However, in front of this dangerous situation, I'd love to evacuate Gaza to be able to live in Europe.

I'd love continuing my engineering studies abroad, but to get out of Gaza to reach Egypt I need 5.000€.

We are 7 people (and even more) in the family, so to evacuate, my family and I, need a lot of money: 35.000 euros.

Please let my dream come true. Only you can.

I would use the founds to evacuate Gaza, to go on with my life and rebuild my future. Most importantly, I will use your money to make my parents and all my family happy once again! Imagine how happy you all would make me by helping me become the one that allowed my family to have once again the life like they used to have!! All thanks to your founds, Inshallah ❤️

It's okay if we are facing this terror, Allah put us in this situation for a reason ☝ but you have to do your part as well. What will you tell to your grandchildren? that you didn't want to help a part of the Ummah? that you didn't help to save the world? be a hero! help a nation!

[ How the money you will donate will be used:
- 1000 € Gofundme and transition fees.
- 15.000 € to let my mother, sister and I evacuate Gaza.
- 3000 € to let Hasam, my little cousin evacuate Gaza.
- the rest will be collected to let the others family members evacuate.

The money you send, will reach Eya Khelaifi on her bank account, and she will send me the money through Paypal.

Eya Khelaifi is an Italian Muslim girl helping me achieving my goal.
She manages my socials, my founds and my emails because I don't know English and I usually don't have a strong internet connection.

If you need to know anything about me or my situation, or if you want to send her the money directly on her bank account, send an Email at [email redacted] (Eya will respond to you as soon as possible) ]

We do not despair and we will return again to rebuild everything that was destroyed.

Help us survive and start a life again, soon, Inshallah.

Since my childhood I have lived with my family and it hurts to see them in pain, what if it was you? what if it was your family and relatives? wouldn't you want someone to help you?

I hope that you will help and support us during this occupation. Thank you from me and all my family for standing by our side

‼️لأي شخص لا يعرف الإنجليزية:‼️
اسمي مصطفى تيماء، طالب هندسة إلكترونيات يبلغ من العمر 22 عامًا من جامعة فلسطين. للأسف، تعرضت جامعتي للقصف، والآن كل ما لدي هو ذكريات وأمل بعيد. عائلتي، المتواضعة مع أخ واحد وشقيقتين، فقدت كل شيء. اعتدنا على إدارة سوبر ماركت دعمنا، لكننا الآن نعيش في خيمة، ونعتمد على صناديق المساعدات النادرة ونخاطر بالمرض عن طريق طهي الخبز بسبب الحرائق المؤقتة. ظروفنا المعيشية مزرية، وتفتقر إلى النظافة المناسبة والحفاظ على الصحة.

على الرغم من التحديات، لا يزال حبي لغزة قوياً. ومع ذلك، أحلم بالإخلاء إلى أوروبا لمواصلة دراستي وبناء حياة جديدة. لمغادرة غزة، نحتاج أنا وعائلتي إلى 42000 يورو. هدفنا المباشر هو جمع ما لا يقل عن 10000 يورو للبقاء والبدء في إعادة البناء. كل يوم، نشهد فظائع لا يمكن تصورها، وأناشدكم مساعدتنا على الهروب من هذا الكابوس. يمكن أن يحدث دعمك فرقًا كبيرًا، مما يمكننا من عيش حياة طبيعية مرة أخرى. شكرا لوقوفك بجانبنا.

Thank you for reading until the end

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Eya Khelaifi

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