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Solo Insurance Services(TM)

   My husband Dan and I own our small busness, Solo Insurance, in Ferguson, Missouri.  We've been here, in the same building, for 21 years. 
    In August 2014 we were caught in the crossfire of tensions that put Ferguson on the world map.  We're located across the street from the QuikTrip that was burned on West Florissant.  Our little part looks like a war zone you'd see in the news...buildings and businesses on both sides of us have been burned to the ground, some won't come back.  We've vowed to stay here but at the local "ground zero" customers are scarce for fear of being here now.
   It used to be simple: Find people good rates regardless of their situation, they will come (and from miles around).  People are now more than happy to avoid the area.
   Please support our goal to stay in Ferguson and help revitalize it.  We and the area need help, even though we never dreamed we'd have to ask.  If not monetarily, then by sharing this among your networks of folks or with comments of good thoughts, prayers and messages of hope. 
   We wish you well.  Thank you for visiting and for supporting us,

“Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.”     
~Author Unknown
“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”   ~James Matthew Barrie

FERGUSON2-1st Anniversary, 8/9/15...many peaceful protesters but a few not so peaceful.  Shooting ensues.  People are afraid again.  Sad.  Praying for peace in the hearts of all.  Once again hoping to keep our doors open for business.


  • Robert O'Connell
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Beverly McMullen
Saint Louis, MO

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