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Husband Left Me -get back on feet

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My husband of 9 years took his stuff and left me while I was at work. I used to make a lot of money. When I got married, I downsized my career to accomidate being married. I still paid all bills, worked 5 days a week, did all the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. I loved him more than anything, he was my life. In one day, I lost my husband, my Dog and my whole life. Now I have to start over, but I am stuck with Rent due NOW! I need to get back on my feet, but I need a couple months. He planned this, so he had a couple months, I had one day to figure it out while my Heart is torn apart. Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated, Thank You! OXOX, Stacy Burke


  • Tobey Gooding
    • $20
    • 6 yrs


stacy burke
Long Beach, CA

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