Help veteran obtain a vehicle.
Donation protected

They say when it rains it storms.
This Veteran Family needs help making through AND past the holidays. They fell into a financial struggle after Hurricane Irma passed through Florida 2017 and also other financial obstacles outside of their control.

Please understand that living on the poverty line and having a fixed budget means that anything can disrupt our ability to balance everything. This does not mean that we cannot take care of ourselves; this just means that when it comes to being able to do everything I would like to be able to do I am met with obstacles and problems. Something as simple as an increase in doctors’ appointments can hinder my ability to keep a job and also cost me extra fuel money I may not have.
Something as a natural disaster as a hurricane causes us to spend money on preparedness, coping/managing disruption, and clean up instead of paying on certain bills. Something as simple as having to pawn my equipment in order to balance a budget one month but knocking my budget out of balance in order to keep my equipment in pawn months later.
How does this affect us? It keeps me from being able to keep or make all the appointment’s I need, This keeps us from being able to participate in family veterans organization events that help improve and cope with my symptoms giving us a moment of enjoyment without the outside worries. This hinders us from catching up on bills. This also affects the quality of our recovery and management. This affects our ability to make repairs on a vehicle that constantly need maintenance.
Our financial situation started when I needed major vehicle repairs, after pawning some of my belongings to cover onset cost of new tires and front breaks back in August of 2017. Then Hurricane Irma came and once again in the moment I am stuck having to pawn my equipment and belongings to balance the cost of being prepared and cost of dealing and coping with the problems the Hurricane caused. During the Hurricane my girl ended up being hospitalized because sleeping in our vehicle was to over whelming and her health was compromised causing her to be hospitalized for over a week and in and out the hospital weeks after. Not only that but our son Martin's birthday was September 12 and we had no electric so with everything going on we were unable to celebrate his birthday or get him any gifts, All though I did buy him a cake and one gift out of our pawn money.
So we fell behind on bills and I thought I would have been able to balance everything and catch up. But this did not happen in a timely manner.

My equipment, our belongings are only material things but we are set to loose 4,000 worth of business and health equipment that help us. I am now forced to make a decision to loose or give up everything for $2,500 or pay every month to keep it in pawn until a later time when I am able to get everything out. So now for a Few months I have been having to take $500 out of my budget to to keep our belongings and equipment. This keeps us from catching up on bills this keeps us from balancing our budget this keeps us from being able to do so much.
I have been unable to catch up and now we need help with our rent $800 and we need help getting our belongings/equipment out of pawn $2,500. After pawning my photography, graphic design equipment this also hindered my ability to help myself. With it in pawn I am and have been unable to do work since September, leaving me no way to make extra money. Not only is photography and graphic design a small veteran owned business that I created 3 years ago but also this has been a huge part of my recovery. So it’s difficult to not take it personal or hard when the community, family, friends or social media fails to support me or my work. Select few have given me the chance and I am forever grateful for the work the opportunity and the ability to grow and experience the ability to financially support myself.
My online Gallery
I currently have a claim in the VA to increase my disability but that takes time. It has been extremely difficult to find employment due to the fact I am dealing with a lot of health problems. It has been a struggle financially as I need the time and ability to get proper test and diagnoses. The VA is not helping as much as they need to and this causes me to find medical help outside the VA and that also cost money that insurance will not cover.
We need the funding as soon as possible so we can balance out our budget for the New Year and are able to move forward advancing our lives.
As of right now we have no money to get a Christmas tree also we are unable to purchase any specific Christmas gifts for our children.
We were able to go to a Christmas party at the VA where our children got two gifts each where we have no control over the choice in gifts. Christmas is not only a holiday we love to celebrate but also is a chance for me reward the children for being good, for helping me in my recovery, for doing good on the
Other ways you can help is go to our list and purchase the things we need. Like cleaning supply, food, toys for the holidays pretty much anything to help us make it by.
Still no tree to hang my ornaments........

Aryana age 4 wants: Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Servin' Up Fun Food Truck, Disney Princess Style Collection Travel Vanity, Play-Doh Kitchen Creations Magical Oven. Size 4 clothes anything pink or Princess.

Achillies age 8 wants: Acer Aspire ES1-533-C55P Notebook,
Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey Edition, Skullduggery Max Traxxx Racing Set. Size 8 or medium Clothes anything blue.

Martin age 10 wants: Anki Cozmo Robot, Xbox One S 1TB Assassin's Creed Origins Bonus Bundle, Air Hogs FPV High Speed Race Car with Headset
and App, Size 10 or large clothes anything red.

Amazon list:
Amazon BabyReg List
Amazon Holiday Gifts
Target registry and list:
Target Holiday List
Target Baby List
Walmart list:
Holiday Gifts
What we really need:
Ps. I still do not understand how people can actually sit and treat me like shit, talk shit about me, harass me, use me, take advantage of me yet none take not a moment to ask me questions, get to know me, understand me and my limitation me abilities. Instead everyone thinks they are doctors, judges, and someone better than me.
I am sick of so many people choosing to do this and I just am forced to sit and accept the fact that I was a thread away from becoming the 22 veterans a day killing themselves twice 7 years ago and I overcame that by improving the quality of my life through informing myself and learning. Yet people feel it is ok to say thank you to veterans, they care about veterans yet those same people treat this veteran like a dog for no good reason I have had friends ignorantly pass judgment on me. Saying I should get a job as if I haven’t recently the last year graduated from college, as if I haven’t been searching for work and I have some type of control of the amount of time its taking me to find a fitting job for someone who is disabled as myself. They say I’m a bit**; I should have died in Iraq. Just so much stuff it would go on and on. Yet one might ask why would people do that to an innocent struggling disabled veteran?, you had to of done something. No that’s the fact of why I take it so hard and personal because I feel if they stopped for a second and got to know me they would not be so ignorant because I have done nothing to put myself in this situation and if anything I spend every minute of my day and night trying to improve and work on my life in every aspect financially, emotionally and everything. I did not use struggles or unhealthy habits as an excuse to rob someone or to hurt someone or to take advantage of someone so the question is why are so many quick to judge and slow to listen? They act this way I am guessing simply because I set my pride aside and I ask for help or express my struggles putting myself out there for people to judge who have no position to judge.

Here is a snap shot to give you a clue to what I deal with medically daily if you most know.

Michael Vascellaro
West Palm Beach, FL