Campaign Fundraiser - Andrew Henderson
I'm Andrew Henderson, and I would like to be your next Little Canada City Councilman.
I believe the people are in charge of the Government, not the other way around. The government should always be open, transparent, and held accountable to the people it serves.
I believe that the Government should be limited in regulating the people's lives by legislation.
I believe in not creating, and repealing laws that limit the people's freedoms, liberties, and natural rights....
I wish to legislate rent regulation in the City of Little Canada to improve the quality of life, and fiscal security of its residents.
I aim to remove intrusive and limiting laws and regulations on the small businesses and entrepreneurs in our community.
It is my hope to build a stronger, and more amicable community in Little Canada through these actions.
I am asking for donations to help me print and distibute campaign literature, signs, and election fees.
*Donors will not be eligible for political contribution refunds*