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Hendersonville TN tornado relief

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Im jay. First off GOD blessed us all and no one on our street was hurt but outside of businesses, this was part of ground zero for the tornado that came through this past Saturday evening. We had no warning. One moment we were hearing reports of one in clarksville, the next moment family are screaming get in the bathroom or basement. We are in recovery mode now but still without power and the damange is extensive. Several homes are uninhabitable but all are brick sound but the roofs are not so much. Its going to take weeks for the insurance to get out to do claims as they are slammed with this being a disaster area. In the mean time, the water damage is doing its work. Many on our street live check to check and many cant afford to pay their deductibles to get repairs done properly or buy the day to days over an extended period. We are hoping to get a fund going to help our community and allow people to recover and not worry about survival or financial fear during the holiday season. This will make a big difference. If its in your heart to even give 10 dollars it makes a difference to all that need the help. Thank you and GOD's grace kept all alive. We are blessed even through this.

Spenden (2)

  • Andi M.
    • $25
    • 11 mos
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 11 mos
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james russell
Hendersonville, TN

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