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Rebuild Henrytown Lutheran Church

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The wonderful video above says it best. Henrytown Lutheran Church has returned to the ground on which it stood from a fire on April 16th, 2015.

Blessed are those who believe and have faith in God that he has not left us. There are all different types of love and to be so blessed to have been touched by the Holy Spirit in this place of worship is truly a blessing. Our church is our rock and built on one foundation of grace, faith and love that can never be taken away. They say that things happen for a reason and we will never know why but God's plan is always greater.

Henrytown Lutheran congregation thanks you for your donation from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless You All!

Donations to Rebuild Henrytown Lutheran Church fund can be made at either First Southeast Bank 111 N Main St., Canton, MN 55922 or First Southeast Bank, 3 Main Ave. N, P.O. Box 429, Harmony, MN 55939


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sara Ehrhardt
Canton, MN
Fay Garness

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