We stand in the gap, praying and asking God to help this loving family cope with the devastating loss of a beloved mother and daughter. The words to comfort cease to exist, there is not a single thing any of us can do individually to make this any easier for the family as a whole. However, together, we can lighten the financial burden in hopes of allowing the family to grieve together w/out the worry of meals, unexpected expenses, time off of work or whatever their needs may be. Cassandra and Annette are and have been a part of our EL RIO HEALTH CENTER family for 20+ years most of which have been in the pharmacy, the pain of losing their mother and sister a day apart is inconceivable. In an effort to hinder the feeling of helplessness during such a delicate time, please feel free assist with any amount possible. There is no contribution too small when we come together. To Annette, Cassandra and the entire Hernandez family, our hearts are with and we will continue to keep you in our prayers. We love you and we stand together to provide what we can to help you now and the difficult moments to come. ~WITH LOVE, YOUR EL RIO FAMILY