Olivia's Medical
Our Story goes :On December 27, 2016 I was told to go to the hospital right away after my 14 year old daughter had Xrays. We went to a local area hospital where we waited over hours to be seen Once we were finally seen they told us that there was noting they could do for us there, that we were going to be transported to Westchester Medical Center. I figured that this would be the following day. However I was wrong they said No you are being transported today and Now. The transport vehicle will be here in the next few minutes. So at 3am in the morning after being there in the local hospital for so long we are taken to Westchester Medical Center. They performed another set of X rays and then I am hit with the news No parent ever wants to hear. Your daughter Olivia has Cancer. I asked what kind, their answer was Hodgkins Lymphoma.
At this moment I felt as if I was hit with a base ball bat. My daughter and I stayed there for 3 weeks straight. Her mother came by to relieve me but a couple of times. Her Mom stayed home most of the time to stay with my son My daughter's twin brother. Their Mom has Lymes Disease which makes it so she can not work and was forced to retire. Along with the Lymes disease her Mom has an eye disease which makes it very hard for her to see and drive.
When I was in the hospital with my daughter the Dr.'s Told me that your life as you knew it is not going to be the same anymore. I had no Idea as to what they meant. I am unable to work due to the fact that I have to take care of my daughter and I am her sole parent to watch over her and takes her back and forth to the hospital.
Every Tuesday is something there is something going on. She either goes in for blood work or she goes in for Chemo treatments. Olivia's treatments are not like most children her treatments take 3 days because she is allergic to the medication so where most children it takes 4 hours my daughter needs it to be a very slow drip. Currently she gets 25cc per hour which is over 16 hours. She get a cocktail of drugs even before she gets the chemo.
How can you help ? I have burned through our savings account and any one day jobs I can take I do My car loan is way over due and they are threatening to take my car. I have pleaded with them because I need the car to get my daughter back and forth to the hospital. They have already taken it once. I used what ever money I had to get it back only to be told that in ten days they can take it again. Their Mom gets money for her pension and social security but that is not enough to take care of this family. My daughter has had 6 transfusions already. we watch and monitor her all the time. A bloody nose for her means days in the hospital. My mortage is behind because I can not afford to pay if I am not working we are able to only pay the utilities such as cable, electric and gas. I am asking for help for my children and my family. I have asked for help from my county with the utilites and due to the fact that there is a pension coming in that money is too much we are told. I have fallen behind on my mortage due to the lack of work. I have never been a man to ask for help. If need be I would go out and get another job. But I can not leave this little girl of mine. She has told me daddy You are my Mom and My dad as well as my best friend. I can not leave her. I ask Please help me to help my daughter?????