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HHS Panther Mascot Uniform

Spende geschützt
My name is Brandi (Wood) Ford.  I graduated from HHS in 1991 (forever ago).  The Harrah High School Student Council is raising money for a new panther mascot uniform.  The current uniforms have holes in them, no gloves and have probably been around since I graduated, or longer.  The cost is about $4,500.  You can donate on this go fund me page and all of the funds will go to HHS Stuco (I will personally cover the fee's). 
Or, you can mail a check (HHS will send you a receipt if you choose this option).  Check should be made out to HHS Stuco and mailed to Harrah High School Attn: Justin Harkey 20370 elm Street Harrah OK 73045.

Update:  someone donated the full amount needed so we’re going to continue this fund and see what other needs the school might have.


  • Ryan Mixon
    • $600
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brandi Ford
Harrah, OK
Justin Harkey

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