Hip Replacement Surgery for Gary Payne
Donation protected
- Aloha, My name is Corinna, Gary’s wife and I’m raising funds for Gary Payne’s hip replacement surgery. Gary is retired and has social security. Although he has Medicare for the surgery, there are lots of out of pocket expenses such as deductibles and copays from the hospital. He will also need some equipment for the shower and bathroom to keep him mobile and safe right after the surgery. I will have to take some time off of work to help him heal. I’m not sure if Five thousand dollars will actually cover all of this but it’s a start! I rarely find myself in a position where I need to ask for help, but we can’t do this alone. Gary has been in a lot of pain for a long time now and for the last six months he’s had very little mobility. This surgery is very necessary and it’s coming up fast, December 13th. Mahalo for reading this and for whatever help you can spare!
Corinna Payne
Kahului, HI