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Historical Fry's Advert Restoration

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I am raising funds to get the 'Fry's Cadbury's Concentrated Cocoa' on the side of our house reinstated by a professional sign painter.

Our house sits with this historical advert facing Victoria Park Bristol.  I have lived here for 23 years and every year promised myself I would get the sign reinstated.  During COVID I have sat in my office looking into the park and watched multiple people every day stop and try and work out what the sign is.  So now is the time.

We have a strong street art culture in Bristol and so think its fitting to get something historical that has been part of our local community restored to its former glory.

The costs breaks down like this;

£0,285.00 Paint, supplies and travel - Signwriter
£3,850.00 Signwriting 2-3 weeks
£1,500.00 scaffolding plus rain cover 
£1500.00 remove old paint, pointing (where required), repaint and top seal 

I do hope that we can raise enough to get this iconic piece of work re-instated and I am grateful to my community in their support.


Jo Purslow Morcom

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