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Hit a moose with my car.

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Hi, my name is Laura and on May 8th 2023 at 6pm near Dillon, Montana I hit a moose with my car. It wasn't the biggest moose I've ever seen but it wasn't tiny. I was lucky and after hitting the moose came to a complete stop. I went to the hospital. My car insurance covered $3000 worth of my medical bills, which isn't even half. I haven't fulfilled my deductible with my health insurance so am not expecting much help from them. I was able to buy a new car and put some money aside for medical bills, but not nearly enough. I just need a little help to cover the rest. I work 2 jobs and am still very poor. I'm hoping to save more money by the time the bill comes due but don't know how much more I can save.


Laura Hodges
Nephi, UT

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