Lost Family Home to Fire, Help Us Rebuild Our Home
Hello, my name is Tristan Gibson. I am the Sage Brush Sitting on the Hill clan, born for The Water Flows Together clan. I am 1 of 4 children and the second oldest. I have an older brother, a younger brother and younger sister. We are from Smithlake , NM.
The year 2021 has been a difficult one for me and my family. Starting in the beginning of the month of December, I lost my paternal grandmother. On New Year’s Day, I lost my father from COVID-19. 6 days later, I lost my mother to the same virus. 21 days later, my maternal grandmother passed away from COVID-19 as well.
We had lost so much at the beginning of the year and it’s been hard for us to move forward. All we had was the home they built and the memories they left behind
Last month, my baby sister graduated from Rehoboth Christian School in Gallup, NM. The day of her reception, we got word that our home in Smithlake was burning as well as two vehicles that were parked in front of the house. There is still an investigation as to what started the fire. Thankfully, we are happy that no one was hurt or at home at the time of the incident.
We had lost everything: our home, our clothes, our memories, our stability. Times are hard right now for everyone, especially after COVID hit. If you can, please help me and my family by spreading the words or sharing the link, I’d appreciate that. We aren’t asking for much, but just enough to start over. ,
Mainly for my baby sister; she went through so much at her age that no one should ever have to go through. We need help to start over and rebuild a home to come back to.
All donations are greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.