Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Hogar de las Estrellas Cusco, Peru

Donación protegida
I first came to Cuzco, Peru in June of 2013 and was sincerely moved by the wonderful people here and the organization that I was volunteering with. A year later I am now working for that same organization and have truly fell in love with one project in particular that is always in such dire financial need. This project, called Hogar de las Estrellas (Home of the Stars), is an orphanage for special needs children with severe mental and physical disabilities, most of which have been abandoned at the door or found in the streets. Because of the conditions in which they have found themselves there, they dont technically "exist" (have identification), therefore according to the government and many other charities they are ineligible for humanitarian aid. I have been working tirelessly the last few months to aquire basic needs for the children such as anti-seizure medication, fresh fruits and vegetables, disinfectant, detergent etc.. and other vital things so many of us take for granted in our daily lives. Unfortunately, despite my efforts and theirs, the home is in a constant battle to provide for the kids.  
If you choose to donate to this cause I will be personally handling every aspect of your donation. Once a month I will post pictures of the receipts and descriptions (in English) of what has been purchased and why so that you can see exactly what the money has been spent on (minus the service fee). 
My goal is to provide all donors will full transparancy through this website and happily welcome any questions about any aspect of my work in or outside of Hogar de las Estrellas. Unfortunately due to the sensitivity of the issue I have been asked not to post any pictures of the children on a public forum. However, if you would like additional information/pictures etc... about the children please feel free to email me at [email editado]


  • Silje Donations
    • $90
    • 8 yrs


Chelsey Rickert
Hilo, HI

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe