Rebuilding Holly's Haven Wildlife Rescue
Join us in raising funds to help rebuild Holly's Haven Wildlife Rescue in Dunrobin(Ottawa) Ontario. One of only two animal rescues in Eastern Ontario that are not species specific in their delivery of crucial care.
In partnership with Humble Creek Homes of Dunrobin & Carp, we are rebuilding their care centre from a shipping container! With their recent lost of the care centre, they have continued to provide invaluable care from their homes and through a network of dedicate volunteers across the region. Let's get them the proper facility they require to continue their amazing work!
By conserving wildlife, they're ensuring that future generations can enjoy their natural world and the incredible species that live within it. To help protect wildlife, it's important to understand how species interact within their ecosystems, and how they're affected by environmental and human influences.
Reach out today, share and spread the word with neighbours, friends, family and local businesses. Your donation is greatly appreciated and goes a long way in helping Holly's Haven Widlife Rescue. Thank you! Merci!