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Futvoye Home lost in Hill Fire

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Futvoye Family Home lost everything on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in the Hill Fire-Vallecito Trailer Park in Newbury Park on November 8, 2018. They need help rebuilding their lives, purchasing a new home with furnishings and personal belongings. They are one of many who are underinsured. Please contribute if you are able to and share with others. This is a legit campaign, please see VC Star article: Pat & Dona Futvoye are both in their 70s, retired and living on social security. My dad is a US Army Vet. They are humble people living on humble means. Their home was in the family for about 30 years and it was called "the coach" by my Nana when she bought it in 1980's. It was the only home lost in their culdesac in the beautiful Vallecito park. They made it out of the park with only minutes notice, taking only a few things. They lost everything! We are grateful they made it out safely! The next day was their 50th wedding anniversary. We went to go back to their home only to find it was burned to the ground. They are working on rebuilding and restoring their retirement home. Please help what you can to  jump start their new beginning. We are grateful for whatever you can contribute or donate. It will be a journey and we are grateful to be together!
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  • Diana Forman
    • $500
    • 6 yrs
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Équipe de collecte de fonds : Futvoye-Valecito Restore (2)

Jeni Futvoye
Thousand Oaks, CA
Dona Futvoye
Patrick Futvoye
Team member

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