Homecoming4Humanity: Sophomores
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This year Fresno Christian Schools has decided to use Homecoming as a week to benefit our community and the world. The theme is "Homecoming4Humanity" with a focus on others instead of ourselves. The Sophomore Class has decided to aid a Global Organization, LANNA Coffee Co, in a very global way. The funds will go specifically to the Lanna Foundation, which aids and supports the production of coffee farms in place of opium farms in Thailand, helps women enter into the textile trade instead of other professions, and aids communities in clean water programs. All of these events allow them a unique opportunity to share The Gospel with the people of Thailand. What an opportunity to serve! Help support the Sophomore Class support the Red Cross this homecoming season. Your support will not only help in the homecoming competition, but also an organization worth supporting!
Aubri Marie Foster
Fresno, CA
Lanna Foundation