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Homegoing for Pete

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Hello family and friends,

We are sadden to write the Herbert family has been hit with a huge loss. Justin Kieth Herbert was born December 22nd, 1985, he’s formally known by all those who knew him and loved him as Pete. Pete has fought many battles in his 36 years of life, his strong mother was told at 6 weeks old he wouldn’t make it through the night from a bowel blockage, which he did from there he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and he was the blessing of our family. Unfortunately God called him home to be with him after 3 weeks of hospitalization, many procedures, and multiple surgeries from a battle with Fungi Pneumonia just 19 short days away from his 37th birthday. We’ll forever miss Uncle Pete, but it helps to know he’s no longer in pain, no longer suffering and he’s in heaven, happy, healthy and he was welcomed by so many who loved him just as much as we all did here physically on Earth. Either you seen Pete cruising the neighborhood with his buddy in his wheelchair or he was always home with mom, when I tell you he was crazy about his mother just as she was crazy about her man; what a bond to break but with time they’ll strengthen their new founded spiritual bond they’ll create. He was definitely our missing piece and this will be a hard pill to swallow. For those who knew him or even knew of him and even got the opportunity to be surrounded by his beautiful spirit, contagious smile/laugh, and glossy big brown eyes you already know we’re hurting as a whole. Continue to pray for us all.

Along with grieving and missing our sweet Angel, the family was not prepared for these sudden life changes and we’re asking for help to send Pete off in the way he’s so deserving of due to lack of insurance. Whatever anyone is able to give or contribute in any way possible the family will appreciate it now in these troubling times. My granny has done an amazing job, she was the best mother to a beautiful special needs child for 36 years with her being 68 years old, recently hospitalized and taken sick these last few years herself so all the help we receive will take just enough stress off of her at the moment that she just doesn’t need, thank you again we appreciate all the kind and thoughtful words at this time.


Oriel Fambro
Rockford, IL

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