Homeless 2.5 yrs in SF, awaiting SSI & housing determination
Donation protected
My name's Dylan, my family is broken up and largely without resources, and I'm diagnosed with moderate Scoliosis & and a degenerate joint (neck) / pinched nerve. I also had pectus excavatum and had a steel bar in my sternum up until May of this year.
I'm currently in physical therapy and visiting the chiropractor to address the back issues. I've been doing personal routines daily to improve my alignment and health however I barely made headway until after the surgery. It doesn't help that I've dealt with injury after injury on the streets from having my foot crushed by a pickup truck to being cracked across the face with a violin case and getting stitches.
I've been evaluated by episcopal community services twice in two years with no change in score and am currently in the process of applying for administrative review so that I can be considered for housing services.
I'm a recipient of GA ($100 cash assistance for the homeless in SF) and SNAP. I'm also currently awaiting determination from the SSI office for SSI and SSDI.
I haven't been able to work practically since early 2020. The pinched nerve in my neck gets agitated by the large majority of activities beyond basic yoga and basic walking and functions.
Im also doing very light daily calisthenics to build up and build back muscle to help my body line up my spine and heal.
The GoFundMe is for living expenses, rent food and everything in-between like towels, socks, laundry, etc.
I am a published artist you can find my works under the name 'Sly NoBody' or 'Sly Dylan' on streaming platforms or using the links below
Please see the updates tab for a more than extensive and detailed history of the GoFundMe campaign. I've been running this since last November, this makes nearly a year now.
P.S. I am well versed with the long term services in SF like the CAAP office case work and North Beach Citizens, Glide, ECS and the places in-between.
However if you have info on new or relatively unheard of services in my area please feel free to use the donor message tool to leave suggestions or you can always leave a message request on Instagram.
Thanks again to all the donors who've chipped in so graciously
Anything helps
Cheers and all the best
Dylan Henry
San Francisco, CA