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Help Homeless Hell's Kitchen Chef!

Spende geschützt
Our dear friend Siobhan Allgood left Philly a couple months ago and headed West to Los Angeles. She is a master chef, famous for competing on the popular show Hell's Kitchen.  She's also a talented clothing designer and went to work immediately after arriving in LA making accessories for a friends company.  Unfortunately that friendship deteriorated and she lost both her housing and job without any notice.

Siobhan urgently needs our help!  She used all of her savings to move and cannot afford to pay first, last and security to get a lease elsewhere.  She's been forced into homelessness and is staying in a tent city out there with her dog and cats. Just today she was attacked and almost raped but luckily got away and filed a police report...  I worry so much about whether she is safe bc she's a kind and giving soul! Anything you can donate would be much appreciated and go directly to get her housing!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Courtney Rae
Los Angeles, CA
Siobhan Allgood

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