Homes for Ukrainian Hindus
We urgently appeal for your help to provide Homes in Scotland to Ukrainian-origin Hindus from the Ukrainian ISKCON community.
Due to war, thousands of Ukrainian-origin Hindus in Ukraine have left their homes, lost their jobs, become separated from their family members and friends, and are scattered across Europe in various, very temporary situations. We seek your help to support them in settling in the UK by providing a solution leading to long-term housing and employment.
Our Hindu community across the UK has accommodated fifty Ukrainians already, five of them in Scotland. Another ten are waiting to come to Scotland as soon as their travel arrangements and visas have been arranged. Apart from them, around fifteen other families - thirty Ukrainians including children, are still waiting for suitable accommodation.
Finding a sponsor for them is challenging as very few sponsors can provide two rooms that can accommodate a family with 3+ people. Another challenge is that due to their faith - they have particular needs- they need a place that is vegetarian and alcohol-free. They want to base themselves relatively close to their place of worship to receive support. Of course, they don't want to be fussy; however, after struggling to get out of Ukraine and often living in circumstances in Europe where their principles had to be compromised, it is essential to provide them with as much well-being as possible. Most of them have been hesitant to take advantage of the Scottish Super Sponsor visa as Ukrainians need to wait for a very long time in hotels and often are sent to small towns on the other side of Scotland.
We have partnered with a fantastic charity, Go Dharmic, to:
- find a flat for each family
- find a visa sponsor
- help refugees to reach Scotland
- share all available guidance, advice and support about settling in Scotland
100% of the funds will be used to cover travel expenses to Scotland, rent of a flat for six months, utility bills and clothing. The sponsor will donate the £350/month received from the government towards the flat's rent (approved by home office).
The money will help them to start in the UK. However, they are keen to learn English, integrate, work, volunteer, not be a burden on anyone, and stand on their feet after the initial support.
It will take around £2,500-£3,000 to accommodate one family. Thus with this fundraiser we are aiming to accommodate 8-10 families.
It will take around £2,500-£3,000 to accommodate one family. Thus with this fundraiser we are aiming to accommodate 8-10 families.
As soon as the funds start coming from this fundraiser, we will start helping one family at a time. We will work with landlords to find 1-2 bedroom flats within the range of £450-£650 per flat. They will be rented by ISKCON Scotland or Go Dharmic. The visa sponsor will be one of the charity volunteers. After the visa is obtained - we will pay for the tickets for the family to reach Scotland.
The ISKCON Scotland community has accommodated two Ukrainian ladies and a family and a few families are coming as soon as they get their visas.
Ukrainians who are here already:
Vraja Vinodini
Vraja Vinodoni is a 24 year old Chemical Engineering graduate from Kyiv. She fled Ukraine when the war started in March and moved to Hungary. Her sisters and brother are in Poland, her mother is looking after cows in Ukraine in a small village, and her father serves in the Ukrainian army. She found safety in Scotland and is staying now at our Eco Farm at ISKCON Scotland headquarters in Lesmahagow, sponsored by one of the families here.
Venkateshvari is a 33-year-old lady from Kiev. She has a degree in Management and did many things in life such as child care, cooking, flight stewardess, and working as an administrator. She also fled Ukraine when war started in March and moved to the Czech republic. Since the beginning of May, she has been safely staying at our Eco Farm sponsored by one of the families here. She feels safe in Scotland; however, she still worries about her mother, younger brother, and stepfather, who are back in Ukraine.
The following are families that are waiting for a visa to come:
Karuna Chandra, Karuna Rasa and Daya
Karuna Chandra, Karuna Rasa have a ten-month-old daughter Daya. They married in 2016 and have been based in Kyiv for a few years. They are currently in Spain waiting for a visa for the UK to come. ISKCON Scotland has offered a flat in Lesmahagow for them. They are really looking forward to coming.
Marina and Maria
Marina and her eight-year-old daughter Maria are from Kharkiv. They fled the war as they worried for their daughter's safety. They are waiting for a UK visa. She will be accommodated at our Krishna Eco Farm.
There are a number of other families that already have visas and will be coming to Scotland very soon.
Following family is at the top of our priority list.
Krishna Purushottama and Chinmayi with two kids Richard and Sofia
Richard is 9 and Sofia is 7 years old. They have a small farm and have been looking after cows and growing vegetables for 10 years. The family have been Vaishnavas within Hindu tradition for fifteen years. It is no longer safe for them and especially for their kids to keep living at their farm. They hear shooting not too far from their house regularly and want to relocate asap.
Your support is urgently needed and will be very much appreciated.
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Kind regards,
ISKCON Scotland Team
You can also donate on Facebook if you prefer:
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Kind regards,
ISKCON Scotland Team
ISKCON Scotland
ISKCON Scotland Ltd