Honey's Medical Fund
Donation protected

Family, friends, collectors and dog lovers… By now you know that my dog Honey has had a big impact in my life and my artwork. Honey came to me at a time in my life when I really needed her. A lot of you may know Honey from her famous painting at White Dog Café in Haverford (see below). Many people have shared stories with me about how Honey's paintings have impacted their lives in a positive way as well.

At the beginning of this week we found out that Honey has a mass on her spleen, which needs to be removed to keep her alive. Her veterinarian, Dr. West, said she needs to have this removed as soon as possible. Every day that the mass is not removed she runs the risk of bleeding out and dying. This could not have come a more terrible time for Stephanie and I, as we are expecting or first child in 5 weeks!

So here is what Stephanie and I propose to you. For $35.00 you can help us pay for Honey to get her surgery. We will send you a limited edition, hand pulled screen print of Honey’s famous White Dog Café Haverford painting. With the help of our friend Shawn Smith, we printed 125 prints on 11” x 14” paper. I will ship them to you via USPS. (Included in the $35.00).

I have also included the option to buy the “study” painting for Honey WDCH at a discounted price of $950.00 to help reach or goal!
Our family would be so grateful for your help with getting Honey the treatment she needs.
Jay McClellan
Philadelphia, PA