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Honor Bobby Neumann's Legacy: Support Young, Grieving Family

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Bobby Neumann, born & raised in Carson City, was a devoted family man. He was in fact, the quintessential family man. His love for his wife (Shari) and his 3 daughters (Kenna-14, Piper-5, and Toki-1) knew no bounds. Everything he did, he did for

In addition to his beloved family, Bobby leaves behind his mother, Loretta Smith (La Traille), his brother, Michael Neumann and nephews, Reed & Logan.

Bobby was full of life, and quick to lend a hand anytime someone needed help. His smile was contagious and made you feel happy when you saw it.

Bobby's cancer was diagnosed as Stage 4 in mid-September. He was in & out of the ER and hospital multiple times since then due to the havoc caused by cancer. Bobby finally reached the point where he could stay home and receive outpatient treatment. He passed October 18, the morning after he came home.

To say his family is devastated is an understatement. They had no time to prepare. Without Bobby's income the mounting hospital bills and now a funeral to pay for, his young family also has to worry about the basics (rent, utilities, food, and daycare) while they they mourn their loss.

In honor of Bobby Neumann's legacy, we invite you to support his family, while they get on their feet with strong ground beneath them, during this incredibly difficult time. Your donations will ease their burdens and allow them some peace of mind while they mourn.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lois Stokes
Carson City, NV
Shari Gardner

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