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Honor Denise Morgan: Help Us Say Goodbye

Spende geschützt
Denise Morgan was the light in so many people's lives. She was always there for everyone, any time day or night. Her heart was as good as gold. For those of you who knew Denise Morgan, you know her battles with illness had taken over her life for many years now. Even with all of her own troubles, she still kept a smile on her face and tried to be as helpful as she could. A positive friend for all. Her love for people and for gnomes reached far and wide. With her sudden loss, her family and friends are devasted beyond words. It is so hard to grieve someone who meant so much to us all. In this very difficult time, we are also finding it difficult to give her the proper send off she truly deserves. It is very hard to ask for help. Especially when it comes to such personal things, but Denise deserves to be honored correctly. We ask all of our family and friends to please help with anything you can. We love you and appreciate you tremendously.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kelsey l Wode
Berkeley Township, NJ
John Morgan

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