Honor the Life of Remi : Support the Jersey Pitbull Rescue
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Honoring Remi, a beloved Pitbull rescue who shared his joy with everyone who knew him, especially his family devastated by his loss. He was tragically shot and killed by the
hand of someone his family trusted to care for him while they were away.
It was a horrible act of violence that no dog should ever have to experience. Unfortunately, this is the case far too often with certain breeds of dogs who are discriminated against because they are strong and powerful, and the media perpetuates fear around them.
They are also sweet and kind and full of love. However, Remi’s story is not just one of loss; it is a call to action to support The Jersey Pit Rescue is an organization that educates, cares for, and finds families for pit bulls throughout New Jersey.
Remi’s Story
At two years old, Remi was left at a shelter in Brooklyn, NY, by the family who raised him, because they didn’t have room for him anymore. Fortunately, he was rescued moments before he was about to be killed and brought to his new home.
From here, he was adopted by his new family who were looking for a new addition to their family. Quickly, he became the heart of their home, with his gentle eyes and wagging tail, always ready for some belly rubs and a snuggle. They loved him and lavished him with treats and walks, and he lived a very happy life.
More about Remi here:
Remi did a great job adapting to his new surroundings and home. He quickly become king of the block, making friends with every person, dog, and child in the neighborhood. Remi loved everyone he met and he wouldn’t harm a fly.
At times, if other male dogs acted skittish or aggressive towards Remi on walks, Remi would become skittish or let out a deep bark in return. His new owners kept him close by on walks to help him feel more comfortable and secure in these situations.
His new owners were careful in finding trustworthy dog sitters who were experienced with large breed dogs. They always ensured that sitters understood that he could get anxious and skittish if other male dogs were around, depending on the temperament of the other dog. Sitters were always instructed to take things slow, and given the green light to keep separated as needed.
The heartbreak and guilt that Remi’s family are experiencing are beyond words, and their grief is compounded by the knowledge that this tragedy could have been prevented. Everyone is hopeful that there will be some justice for Remi and his family and that this person will harm no other dogs.
However, Remi’s family wants his life remembered and celebrated. They want this painful loss to help other pitbulls and rescued dogs avoid facing similar circumstances. All pets deserve care, love, and respect.
In memory of Remi, please support The New Jersey Pitbull Rescue.
More about Remi in the media
More about the Shelter.
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Fundraising team (2)
Russ Vanover
Garwood, NJ
Jersey Pits Rescue Inc.
Andrew Beifus
Team member