Honor roll students incarcerated by Judge Grendell
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There is an IMMEDIATE need for Litigation Assistance for two honor roll students who were unlawfully incarcerated by Judge Timothy Grendell, Geauga County Juvenile Court Judge in Chardon Ohio. On May 27, 2020 Judge Grendell unlawfully changed a visitation order and denied the mother and her two children their due process. Two days later these boys 15 and 13 were sent to the Juvenile Detention Center also ordered by Judge Grendell for refusing an unsupervised visit with their father. Judge Grendell then filed criminal charges against the boys, stating they were “Unruly Children”. Unbelievable?? Absolutely!! But the reality is these two boys and their mother need help as this runaway Judge is continuing his onslaught and their resources have been depleted. Your donations will help this family pay for attorney’s fees and court costs for this case. Please help fight this injustice!!
Please read on if you would like more information on this family and Judge Timothy Grendell:
I am writing this as a plea for what is right and just.
On May 27, 2020 Judge Timothy Grendell unlawfully changed a visitation order and denied the mother and her two children their due process. The Geauga County Civil court suspended visitation and ordered therapeutic visits. The case now transferred to Judge Grendell, changed the therapeutic visitation to unsupervised weekend visits directly going against and ignoring the recommendation of the Guardian ad Litem and the children’s mental health professionals who are very familiar with the children and the situation. This ruling is currently under appeal with the 11th District Court of Appeals.
On May 29, 2020, a complete mockery and abuse of our judicial system occurred. These two boys 15 and 13 who are honor roll students, active in the community, church volunteers, who have never been in trouble before in their life were sent to the Portage County Juvenile Detention Center during an uptick of coronavirus cases in Ohio per the direction and order of Judge Timothy Grendell for refusing an unsupervised visit with their father. Judge Grendell did not follow the law or proper procedure and circumvented the Geauga County Prosecutor’s office. Judge Grendell denied these boys an attorney when requested at the sheriff’s station. The mother was informed by a very reliable source that Judge Grendell “intimidated” the Geauga County Sheriff while ordering that the two boys be placed at the Portage Juvenile Detention Center from Friday, May 29, 2020 through Monday, June 1, 2020, all of this during the pandemic placing their entire family at risk including their mother, an immune-deficient individual with Lupus.
While in the Portage County Detention Center, Judge Grendell ordered the boys be placed in isolation with full restrictions, a punishment generally reserved for hardened, dangerous juvenile offenders. The boys were not permitted to see or speak to each other, or interact with each other in anyway. They were physically searched every hour and their beds were overturned every hour during the day for inspection. They then had to remake their beds and tidy their cells. They were not permitted to visit or even speak with their mother, Stacy Hartman, who is their legal custodian and support system. Their grandmother, Mary Lou Hartman was denied even a phone call with her grandchildren. All of these constraints and events were vindictively ordered by Judge Timothy Grendell in retaliation for their standing up for themselves and each other. These boys were put through this terribly traumatic experience, and were forced to cope with this alone, afraid, and crying. They were only permitted to make visits to the Detention Center’s small library, reading over a dozen books during this illegal incarceration.
On Monday, June 1, 2020 the children were transported to the Geauga County Courthouse for a court hearing in full restraints as ordered by Judge Grendell. The traumatized children were forced to sit in full restraints for 4 hours, unable to move, not permitted to speak and again were not permitted to see their mother who was in the next room requesting repeatedly to see her children. The boys have been left mentally and emotionally scarred by this experience and left in fear of our judicial system which they once trusted.
On Thursday, June 25, 2020 A court hearing was held where the two boys were being criminally charged by Judge Grendell as “Unruly Children”. Judge Grendell, unlawfully changed the visitation order, Judge Grendell also ordered the two boys be sent to the Portage County Detention Center, and now Judge Grendell is writing the fate of these two boy’s!?!? This is not how our judicial system works! This judge has made himself the judicial, legislative, and executive branch and there is little to no recourse to stop him.
The Mother does not have funds to pay an experienced attorney to represent her in this horrific case and has been denied an attorney on and off several times by Judge Grendell. Mother has appeared before Judge Grendell Pro-Se, much to her disadvantage and disservice to these boys. She can no longer proceed without representation, as this judge has made this case his project with Mother being his target. Moreover, mother does not have the means to pay an attorney to right this injustice that is being done to the children and her as she has exhausted every resource in attempting to protect the children.
We are asking for help from family, friends, the community or ANYONE that can help this mother secure the services of an experienced attorney to represent she and her children in these proceedings and to also pay the continued services of the Guardian ad Litem for the children. May God Bless you for your time in reading this page, for your prayers for this family, and for any financial assistance that you are able to contribute to help.
Please read on if you would like more information on this family and Judge Timothy Grendell:
I am writing this as a plea for what is right and just.
On May 27, 2020 Judge Timothy Grendell unlawfully changed a visitation order and denied the mother and her two children their due process. The Geauga County Civil court suspended visitation and ordered therapeutic visits. The case now transferred to Judge Grendell, changed the therapeutic visitation to unsupervised weekend visits directly going against and ignoring the recommendation of the Guardian ad Litem and the children’s mental health professionals who are very familiar with the children and the situation. This ruling is currently under appeal with the 11th District Court of Appeals.
On May 29, 2020, a complete mockery and abuse of our judicial system occurred. These two boys 15 and 13 who are honor roll students, active in the community, church volunteers, who have never been in trouble before in their life were sent to the Portage County Juvenile Detention Center during an uptick of coronavirus cases in Ohio per the direction and order of Judge Timothy Grendell for refusing an unsupervised visit with their father. Judge Grendell did not follow the law or proper procedure and circumvented the Geauga County Prosecutor’s office. Judge Grendell denied these boys an attorney when requested at the sheriff’s station. The mother was informed by a very reliable source that Judge Grendell “intimidated” the Geauga County Sheriff while ordering that the two boys be placed at the Portage Juvenile Detention Center from Friday, May 29, 2020 through Monday, June 1, 2020, all of this during the pandemic placing their entire family at risk including their mother, an immune-deficient individual with Lupus.
While in the Portage County Detention Center, Judge Grendell ordered the boys be placed in isolation with full restrictions, a punishment generally reserved for hardened, dangerous juvenile offenders. The boys were not permitted to see or speak to each other, or interact with each other in anyway. They were physically searched every hour and their beds were overturned every hour during the day for inspection. They then had to remake their beds and tidy their cells. They were not permitted to visit or even speak with their mother, Stacy Hartman, who is their legal custodian and support system. Their grandmother, Mary Lou Hartman was denied even a phone call with her grandchildren. All of these constraints and events were vindictively ordered by Judge Timothy Grendell in retaliation for their standing up for themselves and each other. These boys were put through this terribly traumatic experience, and were forced to cope with this alone, afraid, and crying. They were only permitted to make visits to the Detention Center’s small library, reading over a dozen books during this illegal incarceration.
On Monday, June 1, 2020 the children were transported to the Geauga County Courthouse for a court hearing in full restraints as ordered by Judge Grendell. The traumatized children were forced to sit in full restraints for 4 hours, unable to move, not permitted to speak and again were not permitted to see their mother who was in the next room requesting repeatedly to see her children. The boys have been left mentally and emotionally scarred by this experience and left in fear of our judicial system which they once trusted.
On Thursday, June 25, 2020 A court hearing was held where the two boys were being criminally charged by Judge Grendell as “Unruly Children”. Judge Grendell, unlawfully changed the visitation order, Judge Grendell also ordered the two boys be sent to the Portage County Detention Center, and now Judge Grendell is writing the fate of these two boy’s!?!? This is not how our judicial system works! This judge has made himself the judicial, legislative, and executive branch and there is little to no recourse to stop him.
The Mother does not have funds to pay an experienced attorney to represent her in this horrific case and has been denied an attorney on and off several times by Judge Grendell. Mother has appeared before Judge Grendell Pro-Se, much to her disadvantage and disservice to these boys. She can no longer proceed without representation, as this judge has made this case his project with Mother being his target. Moreover, mother does not have the means to pay an attorney to right this injustice that is being done to the children and her as she has exhausted every resource in attempting to protect the children.
We are asking for help from family, friends, the community or ANYONE that can help this mother secure the services of an experienced attorney to represent she and her children in these proceedings and to also pay the continued services of the Guardian ad Litem for the children. May God Bless you for your time in reading this page, for your prayers for this family, and for any financial assistance that you are able to contribute to help.
Organizer and beneficiary
Nancy Tichenor
Burton Station, OH
Stacy Hartman