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Honor Sensei Jamar's Legacy with a Proper Farewell

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Born in Salinas, California, on February 26, 1987, Jamar Johnson's journey led him to the doors of D.O.C.S. Karate, where he would soon become the dojo's most beloved instructor. Sensei Jamar touched the hearts of everyone who was blessed to be in his presence. Courageous and strong, he was a fierce martial artist with a big heart, willing to help cultivate the body, mind, and soul of young and old alike. He primarily helped shape the youth of San Diego; his never-ending patience and compassion allowed him to touch the hearts and encourage the growth of every kid that graced the dojo mats.

The impact of his beautiful spirit resonates astoundingly throughout the martial arts community, as his passion for empowering people could be felt in every demonstration, kick, punch, and kiai he manifested. A beloved son, brother, fiancé, and Sensei, Jamar will always be remembered for his strength and dedication to nurturing the power of our humanity, our divinity, through the art of war.

Unfortunately, with his departure being so unexpected, we're hoping to raise money to help him receive the burial service he deserves in a timely manner. We appreciate any and all donations made possible.


Saprienyae Khary
San Diego, CA

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