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Honoring a Veteran's Memory with Compassion

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Hello my name is Barbara Delaney and I recently lost my brother Robert Delaney. I Am hoping to raise some money to help pay the rest of his funeral expenses. He was paying life insurance but was offered what he thought was a better deal and was unaware that it was was accidental life insurance and canceled his full term life insurance thinking it was the same thing. He passed unexpectedly and we didn’t have time to correct his policy changes What I’ll do with this money is pay off the funeral costs and other expenses. He was a disabled veteran, the VA is paying for the burial but can't help with the cremation or other funeral cost, but as soon as we can come up with the remaining payment he will be buried at a veteran national cemetery. We came up with half the cost, but are having trouble with the rest so any little amount will be very much appreciated. please help us lay our brother to rest.

thank you so much


Spenden (2)

  • Karissa Sultan
    • $100
    • 1 mo
  • Kari Delaney
    • $100
    • 2 mos
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Barbara Delaney
Merrill, OR

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