Honoring Daniel Ramos Funeral Expenses
Daniel nacio el 21 de Julio de 1980 y fue encontrado sin vida el Lunes 30 de Noviembre por la mañana. Como una estrella fugaz partio de este mundo pero por siempre vivira en nuestros corazones. Daniel le dedico su vida entera al colegio Estrella Mountain Community College, todavia tenia muchos sueño por cumplir. Ahi encontro grandes amigos que con el tiempo se convirtieron en familia. Hoy unidos por el dolor buscamos recaudar fondos para los servicios funebres, los biles medicos, y dejarle un apoyo economico a sus padres que el tanto amo. El dinero recaudado esta siendo depositado directamente a la cuenta de su mami Hortencia Ramos.
Avenidas Funeral Chapel
Cuerpo Presente
Diciembre 17 de 5-8pm
522 E Western Ave. Avondale Arizona
Si usted desea acompañarnos porfavor de usar su mascara.
Daniel was born on July 21, 1980 and was found unresponsive on Monday, November 30th in the morning at his home. Daniel is now a beautiful shooting star part of our world, but forever he will reside in our hearts. Daniel dedicated his life's work to Estrella Mountain Community College students. He still had many dreams to fulfill, but always made sure students were successful and fulfilled their dreams right along side his. At EMCC he found great friends who became family. Today united by pain we seek to raise funds for funeral services, medical bills, and leave support to the parents and siblings that he loved so much.
The money raised is being deposited directly into the account of his mother Hortencia Ramos.
Viewing will be at :
Avenidas Funeral Chapel
December 17th between 5-8pm
522 E Western Ave Avondale Az
If you would like to join us please use your mask.