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Honoring Darrell Garrett: A Call for Support

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On June 23, 2024, my son, Darrell Garrett, also known as Big Baby, passed unexpectedly. We are at a loss and are heartbroken. Darrell was a gentle giant, and if you met him, you loved him. This was so unexpected and there isn't any insurance, so anything will be so appreciated.

We will miss Darrell so very much and life will never be the same, but we know he is at peace. Darrell leaves behind his amazing 3 children, his mother Victoria Garrett, and Charles Garrett, his father, as well as 2 brothers, Travis and Stephon. He was preceded in death by his brother Chaize and Kristina Newcomb. We're lost and heartbroken, so any contributions will be so appreciated. Nothing is too small. We thank you so very much during this difficult time.


Imani Garrett
Lexington, KY

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