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Honoring Harriet Magembe’s Life and Legacy

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Hello! I’m Sharon Christensen and I have a very special opportunity for you. Ten years ago, a beautiful woman by the name of Harriet Magembe, from Uganda, informally adopted my husband and I to be her American parents. Harriet was the lobby and playroom attendant at McDonald’s here in our city of Saginaw, Texas.

We were proud to accept Harriet as our bonus daughter, and we have loved her and her family ever since. Today, I come with a heavy heart as Harriet is leaving us for her new home in heaven with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Harriet’s husband, Fred, and her family cannot afford to place her body in a final resting place on this earth. I am making a plea today for you to come along and help Harriet’s family. If God puts it on your heart, please make a donation to this beautiful family.

They came to the US from Uganda to find a better life and they have. Fred is 69 years old and has a limited income. But the cost of funerals today is truly more than he will probably receive on Social Security for the rest of his life. Harriet is not old enough to be on Medicare, and therefore the hospital bills are insurmountable. Please pray and consider if the Lord would have you bless this family with a contribution to help give Harriet a final resting place. Thank you and may God bless your prayers and donation.

Harriet is being taken off of life support today so we need to make funeral arrangements as soon as possible.

Spenden (2)

  • Gayla Seymour 
    • $100
    • 2 mos
  • Theresa Henson
    • $75
    • 2 mos
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Sharon Christensen
Fort Worth, TX

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