Honoring people of Camp Quinapoxet
Tax deductible
We all know that Camp Quinapoxet for many of us embodied all that is great about Scouting and our childhoods for many years. We all still talk about the stories of camp any chance we get and treasure all the pictures that people post of our forever loved camp. My question to you is, why did we love it so much? It was not just that it was an amazing place in New Hampshire with a lake as smooth as glass, that when the sun set on it and we were all assembled at the Frank Jepson Memorial Fire Circle singing camp songs it felt and looked like a Norman Rockwell painting. It was the people and the leaders of Quinapoxet that made that place so special for me hands down.
The enthusiasm and dedication of the leadership of Quinny was what made and kept our camp great. It was our Scout Masters, Camp Administrators, Directors, Councilors and of course our camp mothers summers in and summers out, working tirelessly to make sure that not only Quinny opened every year, but that it was pristine and our summers were packed full of fun and excitement. This was not only a summer task, these people worked all year long to make sure that our campsites were full and Quinny could give us the experiences we looked forward to all year long.
WHO WILL BENEFIT -By us taking part in Brick Paver Program, we are tackling two things. We are first and foremost memorializing not only Camp Quinapoxet. We are literally engraving in stone those people and leaders that made Camp Quinapoxet great, that are now no longer with us. I feel (and I hope you do as well) that these people need to be honored and remembered in scouting history forever. Secondly, let’s be honest, Parenting is different today than it was in our Quinny days, but childhood is not. Kids are still full of energy and curiosity, they still need long term guidance and adult role models. They still want to explore, find snakes, ride horses and belong to a group of peers. Kids still need Scouting. But there are less and less individuals like the people we had at Quinny, with the wherewithal to volunteer. "The Base Camp" New England’s, ultimate Scouting resource center (which is what the “Brick Paver Project” is a fundraiser for this center) provides support and inspires young parents to serve in the same way our Quinny leaders did. In this way, your contribution will benefit youth (both boy and girls) and families through this center and a vibrant Scout program for years to come.
WHAT THE FUNDS WILL BE USED FOR – The effort to build Scouting’s ultimate resource center is well underway and already has a proven track record in revitalizing scouting here in New England. I am asking and challenging my friends, my Quinny family and anyone one else that is willing to support us, to raise $5,000+ in honor of our beloved Camp Quinapoxet legacy and those who got us there. Those funds will be used specifically to support the resource center (which is an amazing place) and the many scouting programs that are taking place throughout New England. We all learned how to build a fire by flint & steel at Quinny and I know thousands of young people will gain those same skills and have the same life long memories and relationships we do because of our support.
MY THOUHGTS – I, who have been a long time Scouter and volunteer myself, had lost hope that the Scouting program would re-capture its universal appeal. The efforts I am seeing being made in the revitalization of the programs through the efforts of the “Base Camp” is really giving me hope. Seeing the national organization change to embrace everyone and fixing mistakes of the past is refreshing. I have visited the scouting resource center and I would love to set something up to get a group of us to go over and have you check it out as well, because I wished we had had something like this place when we were in scouting for sure, it is most impressive. I love Camp Quinny and scouting and lord only knows where I would have ended up without both of them. But I do know I am proud to put my effort behind these exciting endeavors to make Scouting relevant again in the big picture.
DONATION SUGGESTION – I know that we all are not rolling in money and that times are tight these days. But, I am asking that people make at least a minimum of $25 towards assisting in us reaching the goal of $5000 plus. For those of you able to give more $ 50, $75, $100, $200, $500, $1000 that would really help get us to reach the goal. Keep in mind that all donations are Tax Deductible. PLEASE don’t just pass this by, do what you can. I would love to have 100% participation for this.
DEDCATED BRICKS – When deciding to put my efforts into doing this, I had some people that came to mind for dedications, I asked some others as well. I am sure this list will grow in the coming weeks but please keep in mind that the more names we come up with, the more money we need to fundraise. We are starting off with 18 bricks and 1 camp dedication slate. All our dedication bricks will be places around our camp dedication slate. If you wish to dedicate a brick directly to someone that does not make this list, you can do it 1 of 2 way, you can donate $250 and send me a message that you would like your donation to purchase a brick for a specific person and they will be added to our list or you can go directly to the “Brick Paver Program” http://www.scoutspirit.org/development/alumni-groups/brick-paver/ and purchase the brick there. If you have other people that you think were instrumental in making Camp Quinapoxet what it was, we have a few more brick to fill, make a suggestion. Of course this is all contingent on us meeting the goal of $5000 plus, the beginning list is below, please do not be offended if I have forgotten someone important.
Paul Langley
Paul Doherty
Kenny Simmons
Frank Jepson
Frank Burns
Bob "Hobar" Hutchinson
Bob Cleland
Gray Tremblay
Bill Campbell
Elliot Vining
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP - In appreciation for your support each donor of $25 or more, will receive a commemorative patch and all will receive an invitation to the official unveiling of the project and to the camp (camp Sayre in Milton, MA) to see the programs. There you will experience the impact your contribution has made and see that same look in kids eye we had, back in Quinny’ s hay day!
The enthusiasm and dedication of the leadership of Quinny was what made and kept our camp great. It was our Scout Masters, Camp Administrators, Directors, Councilors and of course our camp mothers summers in and summers out, working tirelessly to make sure that not only Quinny opened every year, but that it was pristine and our summers were packed full of fun and excitement. This was not only a summer task, these people worked all year long to make sure that our campsites were full and Quinny could give us the experiences we looked forward to all year long.
WHO WILL BENEFIT -By us taking part in Brick Paver Program, we are tackling two things. We are first and foremost memorializing not only Camp Quinapoxet. We are literally engraving in stone those people and leaders that made Camp Quinapoxet great, that are now no longer with us. I feel (and I hope you do as well) that these people need to be honored and remembered in scouting history forever. Secondly, let’s be honest, Parenting is different today than it was in our Quinny days, but childhood is not. Kids are still full of energy and curiosity, they still need long term guidance and adult role models. They still want to explore, find snakes, ride horses and belong to a group of peers. Kids still need Scouting. But there are less and less individuals like the people we had at Quinny, with the wherewithal to volunteer. "The Base Camp" New England’s, ultimate Scouting resource center (which is what the “Brick Paver Project” is a fundraiser for this center) provides support and inspires young parents to serve in the same way our Quinny leaders did. In this way, your contribution will benefit youth (both boy and girls) and families through this center and a vibrant Scout program for years to come.
WHAT THE FUNDS WILL BE USED FOR – The effort to build Scouting’s ultimate resource center is well underway and already has a proven track record in revitalizing scouting here in New England. I am asking and challenging my friends, my Quinny family and anyone one else that is willing to support us, to raise $5,000+ in honor of our beloved Camp Quinapoxet legacy and those who got us there. Those funds will be used specifically to support the resource center (which is an amazing place) and the many scouting programs that are taking place throughout New England. We all learned how to build a fire by flint & steel at Quinny and I know thousands of young people will gain those same skills and have the same life long memories and relationships we do because of our support.
MY THOUHGTS – I, who have been a long time Scouter and volunteer myself, had lost hope that the Scouting program would re-capture its universal appeal. The efforts I am seeing being made in the revitalization of the programs through the efforts of the “Base Camp” is really giving me hope. Seeing the national organization change to embrace everyone and fixing mistakes of the past is refreshing. I have visited the scouting resource center and I would love to set something up to get a group of us to go over and have you check it out as well, because I wished we had had something like this place when we were in scouting for sure, it is most impressive. I love Camp Quinny and scouting and lord only knows where I would have ended up without both of them. But I do know I am proud to put my effort behind these exciting endeavors to make Scouting relevant again in the big picture.
DONATION SUGGESTION – I know that we all are not rolling in money and that times are tight these days. But, I am asking that people make at least a minimum of $25 towards assisting in us reaching the goal of $5000 plus. For those of you able to give more $ 50, $75, $100, $200, $500, $1000 that would really help get us to reach the goal. Keep in mind that all donations are Tax Deductible. PLEASE don’t just pass this by, do what you can. I would love to have 100% participation for this.
DEDCATED BRICKS – When deciding to put my efforts into doing this, I had some people that came to mind for dedications, I asked some others as well. I am sure this list will grow in the coming weeks but please keep in mind that the more names we come up with, the more money we need to fundraise. We are starting off with 18 bricks and 1 camp dedication slate. All our dedication bricks will be places around our camp dedication slate. If you wish to dedicate a brick directly to someone that does not make this list, you can do it 1 of 2 way, you can donate $250 and send me a message that you would like your donation to purchase a brick for a specific person and they will be added to our list or you can go directly to the “Brick Paver Program” http://www.scoutspirit.org/development/alumni-groups/brick-paver/ and purchase the brick there. If you have other people that you think were instrumental in making Camp Quinapoxet what it was, we have a few more brick to fill, make a suggestion. Of course this is all contingent on us meeting the goal of $5000 plus, the beginning list is below, please do not be offended if I have forgotten someone important.
Paul Langley
Paul Doherty
Kenny Simmons
Frank Jepson
Frank Burns
Bob "Hobar" Hutchinson
Bob Cleland
Gray Tremblay
Bill Campbell
Elliot Vining
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP - In appreciation for your support each donor of $25 or more, will receive a commemorative patch and all will receive an invitation to the official unveiling of the project and to the camp (camp Sayre in Milton, MA) to see the programs. There you will experience the impact your contribution has made and see that same look in kids eye we had, back in Quinny’ s hay day!
Jay Carroll
Cambridge, MA
Spirit of Adventure Council, BSA