Honoring Rafael Molina: Funeral Support Needed
Donation protected
My dad, Rafael "Ralph" Molina, passed away yesterday and my family and I need support raising funds for his funeral. He was 55 years young and, unfortunately, homeless. Even though he wasn't living in the best conditions, he was cared for and deeply loved. Mental illness and addiction are ugly and didn't allow for him to get the help he really needed.
It's very cold at night in the Bay Area and he was recently forced to move from his encampment that had a heater. To stay warm he was building fires inside his new makeshift tent. Smoke inhalation contributed to his passing. He was just cold. I'm hoping that in death we can show him the dignity he didn't receive towards the end of his life. Please consider contributing. Anything helps. We weren't prepared for his passing.
My dad was funny, incredibly smart, loving and resourceful. He lived by his own rules. He was truly gifted. He could fix, literally, anything - I once saw him fix a charter bus. He loved building and inventing things. He had the best laugh and was the life of the party. He loved barbecuing and having people over, even at his encampment. He loved his family - his mom, his sisters, his brother, his brothers in-law, his children, his grandchildren, his nieces and nephews. He never let anything get him down. He had so much faith and joy, even in the toughest times.
I hope everyone can remember him for the good times, the jokes, the parties and the warmth he brought to our lives in his best days. I also hope we can forgive him for his worst days.
I am heartbroken, but I know he's at peace. And in time my family can be at peace, too. We can lay our worries to rest. I love you, dad. Stay warm. Show them how to party in paradise.
Mi papá, Rafael "Ralph" Molina, falleció ayer, y mi familia y yo necesitamos ayuda para juntar fondos para su funeral. Tenía 55 años y, lamentablemente, no tenía un hogar. A pesar de todo, era muy querido y amado. La enfermedad mental y la adicción son difíciles y no le permitieron recibir la ayuda que necesitaba.
Hace mucho frío por las noches en San Jose, y hace poco lo obligaron a dejar su campamento, donde tenía un calentador. Para mantenerse caliente, empezó a hacer fogatas dentro de su nueva refugio improvisada. La inhalación de humo contribuyó a su fallecimiento. Espero que, ahora que ya no está, podamos darle la dignidad que no recibió en sus últimos días. Por favor, consideren contribuir. Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida. No estábamos preparados para su partida.
Mi papá era divertido, súper inteligente, cariñoso y bien ingenioso. Siempre hacía las cosas a su manera. Él era increíblemente talentoso. Podía arreglar lo que fuera; una vez lo vi reparar un autobús. Amaba construir e inventar cosas. Tenía una risa contagiosa y siempre era el alma de la fiesta. Le encantaba hacer carnes asadas, incluso en su campamento. Amaba a su familia: su mamá, sus hermanas, su hermano, sus cuñados, sus nietos, sus sobrinos y sobrinas. Nada lo tumbaba. Tenía una fe y una alegría enormes, incluso en los momentos más difíciles.
Quiero que todos lo recuerden por los buenos momentos, los chistes, las fiestas y la calidez que nos dio en sus mejores días. Y también que podamos perdonarlo por sus peores días.
Tengo el corazón roto, pero sé que ahora está en paz. Y con el tiempo, mi familia también lo estará. Podemos dejar nuestras preocupaciones atrás. Te amo, Dad. Mantente calientito. Enséñales cómo se hace una pachanga en el paraíso.

Rosemarie Molina
San Jose, CA