Honoring Richie Hernandez: Seeking Truth and Justice
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Truth for Richie Hernandez
'one tough hombre' but...
...a nice guy to know, and good worker
Dear Reader(s) this is a memorial tribute to my beloved father Richard Hernandez who was a victim of Maricopa County Jail, Sheriff Penzones' correctional officers (COs) violence, which led to his painful demise.
Currently I have filed a wrongful death claim due to the unnecssary abuse and violence he suffered and continued to suffer until his death on June 30th, 2024.
He was apprehended by the PHX Police on January 2023, while sleeping in his car, he owned, on private property. The charge was failure to appear on a bench warrant.
After my father was released from prison more than (15) years ago, for a non-violent crime, he was offered a 'food stamp card' by the authority outside of the prison.
Richard signed up for the 'food stamp' and he received one mailed to him with his name on.
His arrest in 2023, was for a bench warrant failure to appear on the charge of ..food stamp fraud... because "convicted felons are NOT entitled to a food stamp" so Richie was told. Some people say it was a solid case of entrapment. But in Arizona, if you have a bench warrant order, it will follow you to the grave. This bench warrant took Richie to his grave.
On that fateful night of arrest, while being processed at the jail, Richie had a call of Nature, an urge to urinate, but the COs had something else in store for Richie. He was placed him in an isolation room, w/o any toilet, or urinal. Richie voided in the corner, he had to go...he said he would not wet himself, like other inmates.
When the COs returned they were pissed. Richie was pulled from the cell and subjected to a brutal beating until he was unresponsive. He was taken to Maricopa County Hospital for his condition: ten broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, brute force chest trauma, stun gun injury, and later serious health problems he suffered everyday.
latisha hernandez
Phoenix, AZ